Thursday, January 29, 2009

Making you feel old?

It was 23 years ago yesterday (January 28, 1986) that the space shuttle Challenger exploded 73 seconds after takeoff. I remember that event vividly, as many of you may as well. I was a senior at William H Burges High School and was sitting in my Physiology and Anatomy class. Our teacher (head football coach Milton Henry) was interrupted by another teacher (another football coach) and announced that the shuttle had exploded. Back then shuttle missions were still a pretty big deal. Of course this mission had a public school teacher on board (the first non-astronaut in space) and was of particular interest to my family because my brother's teacher was a finalist and she was at the launch.

1 comment:

divebarwife said...

I was in freshman P.E. class - the next year one of my classmate was circulating a petition to send to the President to declare it a national holiday.