Thursday, October 23, 2008

Political rant

Those of you who have known me for sometime know that I am a proud liberal. Those of you who have known me since my adolescent days remember something different.

In college, I regularly introduced myself as "the most liberal republican you'll ever meet." My social leanings were liberal but my fiscal leanings were decidedly conservative. Or so I thought.

You see, I was duped by the message machine. I honestly believed that Ronnie Reagan really was "the Great Communicator" and was tough, strong, and principled. That's what the message said and so that is what I believed.

When George HW Bush ran against Michael Dukakis, I believed the machine again when they said Dukakis was too liberal to be trusted, and then Mike got into that tank and all was lost. I even have a picture of my dorm room and right there on the wall is a bumper sticker for George. Terrifying.

It wasn't until I actually started to think about politics that I realized that I was a sucker. A jive turkey. It is a great disappointment to think back and know that the first time I voted in a presidential election I voted for pappy Bush; but even worse knowing that if I had been of voting age, I would have voted for Ronald Reagan in 1984. Shocking.

These days I am a down the ballot Democrat. I wish the party were more liberal, but we must take baby steps. More democrats first, better democrats second. We can't afford more conservative judges on the supreme court. Not even one more.

I find it hard to believe there are still undecided voters out there. I'd love to write about them, but I'll let a professional do it instead. Word.
Ladies and gentlemen, David Sedaris.

1 comment:

The Hamzinger said...

I was just a strong contrarian in my younger years. I sat as co-consul on the "Student Activist Council" as the lone, big-mouthed staunchly conservative standout. I couldn't wait for my chance to vote, to put those damn 'greeners (Evergreen State College alums) in their hippie-loving place. So I, too, am guilty of your same transgression, voting proudly for Papa Bush in '88 (my vote had been for Haig originally - that's how screwed up I was). Now, I'm a registered, loud, big-mouthed, staunch Socialist. I'm just enjoying the pendulum ride here...